LEADING INNOVATION — sTARTUp Day - Most Startup-Minded Business Festival


The Leading Innovation program will take place over two days – Smart Manufacturing Meetup on August 25 and Smart Leadership on August 26 as part of the Chasing Unicorns festival day.

The following programs are dedicated to executive ticket holders to focus on digital transformation, innovative leadership, and smart solutions. 

Ϟ Smart Manufacturing Meetup on August 25

Smart Manufacturing Meetup is a place where executives can find new ideas and have heart-to-heart conversations about the state of manufacturing. It is THE place where you meet your colleagues, old and new friends and find new contacts. We promise to dig deep and have an honest discussion about underlying root problems that most of us are facing when trying to balance the needs of today and tomorrow. To achieve that, we have found leaders with incredible track records and they want to share their thoughts with you!
Smart Manufacturing Meetup is the best conference to meet people who have vision, drive and experience to make the manufacturing sector better. 
– Mihkel Tedremaa, Superhands

Smart Factory

How to balance the needs of today and prepare for the future? Digitalization, automation, and Industry 4.0 are the buzzwords that govern the mainstream media in manufacturing. We will have an honest discussion about these concepts and find out what the fundamental principles of innovation in manufacturing are. We will hear from international manufacturing powerhouses who share their stories about their everyday struggles, good examples, and most importantly their practical experience of what actually works.

Taking the stage are Ants Vill (Skeleton Technologies), Damodar Hegde (Coca-Cola), Kari Terho (Elisa Smart Factory), and others TBA.

Smart Organization 

Peter Drucker had a saying, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast“. We will talk about what it means to build a profitable, competitive, flexible, sustainable, and respected organization. Yes, it means that we are going to talk about being a leader, developing new leaders, and learning from well-respected and awarded leaders from the EU.

Sharing their expertise will be Emöke Sogenbits (Hanza Group), Mihkel Tammo (Rohetiiger) & more speakers TBA.

Ϟ Smart Leadership on August 26

Smart Leadership is part of the Chasing Unicorns program. This track will bring to you the knowledge you need to become a better & more efficient leader. Among other topics, we will be discussing crisis management, executive capital, remote work, and sustainability. 

Crisis Management 

A crisis doesn't yell coming, but as an executive, you have to be prepared nevertheless. We're bringing together a diverse panel of high-level leaders whose middle name could be "innovation". They are perfect examples of executives who adapt new strategies and are always open to innovative solutions to take their businesses up a notch. 

Sharing their expertise are Urmas Simson (Swedbank) and Margus Uudam (Karma VC). The panel will be moderated by startupper Kaarel Holm (MeetFrank). 

Measuring Leadership in Monetary Terms 

Do you know how much money your leadership skills alone bring in? Ilona Baumane-Vitolina (Amrop) interviews chief executives in her everyday work so she knows exactly what it takes to be the best leader for Baltic and international organizations. Ilona will be sharing her expertise on how to be the most effective leader and to make it even more enticing – she’ll turn your leadership skills into monetary figures.

Remote Work

The year 2020 has changed the way most people all over the world do work and proved that it is possible to work effectively remotely or from home. On the other hand, this has proved a whole new set of challenges – endless Zoom meetings, connection troubles, loud family members, etc. We’ll explore how to effectively lead a team remotely, perhaps even better than it can be done face-to-face.


Smart Manufacturing Meetup is powered by Tartu Ärinõuandla. 

Tickets from €106


Check out the perks and find your perfect ticket type! All ticket types grant access to all three festival days on 28-30 January 2026.

Venue access
Ϟ Day 0: Side Events on January 28
Ϟ Day 1 on January 29
Ϟ Day 2 on January 30
This is where the magic happens. Through our matchmaking app, you can schedule 20-minute meetings with participants and meet them at our matchmaking area. General access to the matchmaking app will be available at the beginning of the festival week.
Stage program
There will be three stages at sTARTUp Day 2026 – Starlight Stage, Insight Stage, and Pitching Stage – with speakers and presenters who cover a variety of topics for every taste.
Demo Area access
This is the Mecca of Entrepreneurship! Explore the latest innovations and discover new products, services, friends, opportunities and perhaps, your new career challenge.
sTARTUp Night
The legendary sTARTUp Night wraps up the first conference day on January 29. The afterparty is bringing together the coolest festival visitors, good music, and lots of surprises!
Practical seminars to sharpen & level up your skills.
Side events
Vibrant side events take place all over Tartu before and during the official festival.
Early access to matchmaking app
With early access, you’ll gain access to our matchmaking app two weeks earlier than most people. Use the opportunity to get a head start and request meetings with the hottest participants before all their slots are full.
VIP Reception
Celebrate the beginning of sTARTUp Day in style! The VIP Reception brings together speakers, investors & executives for an unforgettable night.
VIP Lounge access
Escape to your lounge where you can kick back and relax, get some work done, or prep for the next meeting.
Investor Day
Investor Day on January 28 is an exclusive investors' meetup to share experiences, learn from each other, and create meaningful contacts. Structured in a way you'd feel both elevated by and busy with new ideas while leaving enough room for networking.
Executive Day
Executive Day on January 28 is about taking the time to listen, talk, and network with other leaders. This is the place to bounce your thoughts and learn about challenges and solutions across different industries.
List of attending investors
Startups will see the participating investors' list (investor's name + investment fund's name) which enables them to request meetings with the right investors through our matchmaking app.
List of attending startups
There are over 300 unique startups at sTARTUp Day, which can be quite overwhelming at times. We'll send you a database of all of the participating startups so you can browse through them all and select the ones you want to meet beforehand.
Personalised startup matches
With the help of our good friends from Dealum, we will find the most relevant startup matches based on each investor’s profile. This means that investors will get a list of hand-selected startups that meet their requirements, making it even easier to meet the right startup.
Visibility at sTARTUp Day website
All validated startups and the biggest VC funds will be featured on the sTARTUp Day website.


129 €
Venue access
Ϟ Day 0: Side Events on January 28
Ϟ Day 1 on January 29
Ϟ Day 2 on January 30
This is where the magic happens. Through our matchmaking app, you can schedule 20-minute meetings with participants and meet them at our matchmaking area. General access to the matchmaking app will be available at the beginning of the festival week.
Stage program
There will be three stages at sTARTUp Day 2026 – Starlight Stage, Insight Stage, and Pitching Stage – with speakers and presenters who cover a variety of topics for every taste.
Demo Area access
This is the Mecca of Entrepreneurship! Explore the latest innovations and discover new products, services, friends, opportunities and perhaps, your new career challenge.
sTARTUp Night
The legendary sTARTUp Night wraps up the first conference day on January 29. The afterparty is bringing together the coolest festival visitors, good music, and lots of surprises!
Practical seminars to sharpen & level up your skills.
Side events
Vibrant side events take place all over Tartu before and during the official festival.
Early access to matchmaking app
With early access, you’ll gain access to our matchmaking app two weeks earlier than most people. Use the opportunity to get a head start and request meetings with the hottest participants before all their slots are full.
VIP Reception
Celebrate the beginning of sTARTUp Day in style! The VIP Reception brings together speakers, investors & executives for an unforgettable night.
VIP Lounge access
Escape to your lounge where you can kick back and relax, get some work done, or prep for the next meeting.
Investor Day
Investor Day on January 28 is an exclusive investors' meetup to share experiences, learn from each other, and create meaningful contacts. Structured in a way you'd feel both elevated by and busy with new ideas while leaving enough room for networking.
Executive Day
Executive Day on January 28 is about taking the time to listen, talk, and network with other leaders. This is the place to bounce your thoughts and learn about challenges and solutions across different industries.
List of attending investors
Startups will see the participating investors' list (investor's name + investment fund's name) which enables them to request meetings with the right investors through our matchmaking app.
List of attending startups
There are over 300 unique startups at sTARTUp Day, which can be quite overwhelming at times. We'll send you a database of all of the participating startups so you can browse through them all and select the ones you want to meet beforehand.
Personalised startup matches
With the help of our good friends from Dealum, we will find the most relevant startup matches based on each investor’s profile. This means that investors will get a list of hand-selected startups that meet their requirements, making it even easier to meet the right startup.
Visibility at sTARTUp Day website
All validated startups and the biggest VC funds will be featured on the sTARTUp Day website.


109 €
Venue access
Ϟ Day 0: Side Events on January 28
Ϟ Day 1 on January 29
Ϟ Day 2 on January 30
This is where the magic happens. Through our matchmaking app, you can schedule 20-minute meetings with participants and meet them at our matchmaking area. General access to the matchmaking app will be available at the beginning of the festival week.
Stage program
There will be three stages at sTARTUp Day 2026 – Starlight Stage, Insight Stage, and Pitching Stage – with speakers and presenters who cover a variety of topics for every taste.
Demo Area access
This is the Mecca of Entrepreneurship! Explore the latest innovations and discover new products, services, friends, opportunities and perhaps, your new career challenge.
sTARTUp Night
The legendary sTARTUp Night wraps up the first conference day on January 29. The afterparty is bringing together the coolest festival visitors, good music, and lots of surprises!
Practical seminars to sharpen & level up your skills.
Side events
Vibrant side events take place all over Tartu before and during the official festival.
Early access to matchmaking app
With early access, you’ll gain access to our matchmaking app two weeks earlier than most people. Use the opportunity to get a head start and request meetings with the hottest participants before all their slots are full.
VIP Reception
Celebrate the beginning of sTARTUp Day in style! The VIP Reception brings together speakers, investors & executives for an unforgettable night.
VIP Lounge access
Escape to your lounge where you can kick back and relax, get some work done, or prep for the next meeting.
Investor Day
Investor Day on January 28 is an exclusive investors' meetup to share experiences, learn from each other, and create meaningful contacts. Structured in a way you'd feel both elevated by and busy with new ideas while leaving enough room for networking.
Executive Day
Executive Day on January 28 is about taking the time to listen, talk, and network with other leaders. This is the place to bounce your thoughts and learn about challenges and solutions across different industries.
List of attending investors
Startups will see the participating investors' list (investor's name + investment fund's name) which enables them to request meetings with the right investors through our matchmaking app.
List of attending startups
There are over 300 unique startups at sTARTUp Day, which can be quite overwhelming at times. We'll send you a database of all of the participating startups so you can browse through them all and select the ones you want to meet beforehand.
Personalised startup matches
With the help of our good friends from Dealum, we will find the most relevant startup matches based on each investor’s profile. This means that investors will get a list of hand-selected startups that meet their requirements, making it even easier to meet the right startup.
Visibility at sTARTUp Day website
All validated startups and the biggest VC funds will be featured on the sTARTUp Day website.


169 €
Venue access
Ϟ Day 0: Side Events on January 28
Ϟ Day 1 on January 29
Ϟ Day 2 on January 30
This is where the magic happens. Through our matchmaking app, you can schedule 20-minute meetings with participants and meet them at our matchmaking area. General access to the matchmaking app will be available at the beginning of the festival week.
Stage program
There will be three stages at sTARTUp Day 2026 – Starlight Stage, Insight Stage, and Pitching Stage – with speakers and presenters who cover a variety of topics for every taste.
Demo Area access
This is the Mecca of Entrepreneurship! Explore the latest innovations and discover new products, services, friends, opportunities and perhaps, your new career challenge.
sTARTUp Night
The legendary sTARTUp Night wraps up the first conference day on January 29. The afterparty is bringing together the coolest festival visitors, good music, and lots of surprises!
Practical seminars to sharpen & level up your skills.
Side events
Vibrant side events take place all over Tartu before and during the official festival.
Early access to matchmaking app
With early access, you’ll gain access to our matchmaking app two weeks earlier than most people. Use the opportunity to get a head start and request meetings with the hottest participants before all their slots are full.
VIP Reception
Celebrate the beginning of sTARTUp Day in style! The VIP Reception brings together speakers, investors & executives for an unforgettable night.
VIP Lounge access
Escape to your lounge where you can kick back and relax, get some work done, or prep for the next meeting.
Investor Day
Investor Day on January 28 is an exclusive investors' meetup to share experiences, learn from each other, and create meaningful contacts. Structured in a way you'd feel both elevated by and busy with new ideas while leaving enough room for networking.
Executive Day
Executive Day on January 28 is about taking the time to listen, talk, and network with other leaders. This is the place to bounce your thoughts and learn about challenges and solutions across different industries.
List of attending investors
Startups will see the participating investors' list (investor's name + investment fund's name) which enables them to request meetings with the right investors through our matchmaking app.
List of attending startups
There are over 300 unique startups at sTARTUp Day, which can be quite overwhelming at times. We'll send you a database of all of the participating startups so you can browse through them all and select the ones you want to meet beforehand.
Personalised startup matches
With the help of our good friends from Dealum, we will find the most relevant startup matches based on each investor’s profile. This means that investors will get a list of hand-selected startups that meet their requirements, making it even easier to meet the right startup.
Visibility at sTARTUp Day website
All validated startups and the biggest VC funds will be featured on the sTARTUp Day website.


169 €
Venue access
Ϟ Day 0: Side Events on January 28
Ϟ Day 1 on January 29
Ϟ Day 2 on January 30
This is where the magic happens. Through our matchmaking app, you can schedule 20-minute meetings with participants and meet them at our matchmaking area. General access to the matchmaking app will be available at the beginning of the festival week.
Stage program
There will be three stages at sTARTUp Day 2026 – Starlight Stage, Insight Stage, and Pitching Stage – with speakers and presenters who cover a variety of topics for every taste.
Demo Area access
This is the Mecca of Entrepreneurship! Explore the latest innovations and discover new products, services, friends, opportunities and perhaps, your new career challenge.
sTARTUp Night
The legendary sTARTUp Night wraps up the first conference day on January 29. The afterparty is bringing together the coolest festival visitors, good music, and lots of surprises!
Practical seminars to sharpen & level up your skills.
Side events
Vibrant side events take place all over Tartu before and during the official festival.
Early access to matchmaking app
With early access, you’ll gain access to our matchmaking app two weeks earlier than most people. Use the opportunity to get a head start and request meetings with the hottest participants before all their slots are full.
VIP Reception
Celebrate the beginning of sTARTUp Day in style! The VIP Reception brings together speakers, investors & executives for an unforgettable night.
VIP Lounge access
Escape to your lounge where you can kick back and relax, get some work done, or prep for the next meeting.
Investor Day
Investor Day on January 28 is an exclusive investors' meetup to share experiences, learn from each other, and create meaningful contacts. Structured in a way you'd feel both elevated by and busy with new ideas while leaving enough room for networking.
Executive Day
Executive Day on January 28 is about taking the time to listen, talk, and network with other leaders. This is the place to bounce your thoughts and learn about challenges and solutions across different industries.
List of attending investors
Startups will see the participating investors' list (investor's name + investment fund's name) which enables them to request meetings with the right investors through our matchmaking app.
List of attending startups
There are over 300 unique startups at sTARTUp Day, which can be quite overwhelming at times. We'll send you a database of all of the participating startups so you can browse through them all and select the ones you want to meet beforehand.
Personalised startup matches
With the help of our good friends from Dealum, we will find the most relevant startup matches based on each investor’s profile. This means that investors will get a list of hand-selected startups that meet their requirements, making it even easier to meet the right startup.
Visibility at sTARTUp Day website
All validated startups and the biggest VC funds will be featured on the sTARTUp Day website.