Lauri Kinkar: "Key Principles for Effective Sales"
At sTARTUp Day 2020, CEO and co-founder of Messente Lauri Kinkar talked about the key principles for effective sales – tips and tricks that definitely come in handy now when most companies are fiercely fighting for customer loyalty.

Politicians debate at sTARTUp Day: "As a small country we have nothing but our reputation to shake the table"
January 31, politicians debated on the topic “Estonia's Competitiveness 2020” on the sTARTUp Day stage. The panel featured Riina Sikkut (Social Democratic...

Milda Mitkute, founder of Vinted: “Being a leader and being an expert are two different things”
Milda Mitkute is the co-founder of the online marketplace Vinted, where people sell and buy second-hand clothes. With more than 13+ million...

Christos Vaitsis: “Innovation in health is not easy to stumble upon”
Christos is the Manager of the EIT Health Accelerator program for the EIT Health Scandinavian node. The Accelerator provides support throughout the...

Sacha Michaud - Co-founder, Glovo: “We’ve been able to rise to the top by being faster, more focused and more efficient”
Sacha Michaud is an English entrepreneur who has founded several companies during his career, for example, one of the largest Spanish internet...

Helen Kokk “Be sure to find a balance between health and work”
Helen is a partner and head of service design/user experience in Nortal. She has created user experience for both public and private...

The future of startup ecosystems as impact creators for the society - Sten-Kristian Saluveer
Sten-Kristian is an Estonia/Japan based curator, audiovisual producer, and content & technology entrepreneur bridging Asia with Europe. He is the Founder of...

Jeremy Goldman: "Human beings are people who innovate, and the reason why we innovate is because of a problem we created as part of the last innovation."
For two decades, futurist Jeremy Goldman has been working with companies looking to modernize, innovate, and disrupt their current business models. Jeremy...

Hermione Way: “If your company doesn't have a story from the beginning, you're not going to survive”
Hermione Way, the world-renowned brand consultant, and marketeer, joined sTARTUp Day to share her lessons to fellow startups. The following is the...

Laura Dekker: “I feel more lonely in a big city than in the ocean”
Laura Dekker is the founder of the World Sailing Foundation. Her journey was initiated by the love of sailing. Dekker shared how...

Johan Bergqvist: “The culture might change as you grow as a company"
Johan Bergqvist, formerly VP of Corporate Finance and Treasury of Spotify, is now CFO of Bolt. During his Spotify career, Johan helped...

Martti Paatela “Give a chance to the unthinkable ideas and you might win something big”
Martti Paatela is the co-founder and CEO at Epic Foods – a restaurant that does not exist. It’s a sustainable food delivery...

Andres Schabelman, VP of Expansion, Fiverr: "I use my own life as a model for how to build startups."
Andres Schabelman believes that creating from the heart is the path to a meaningful life and the creation of movements in business....

Marvin Liao, 500 Startups: “Always optimize for the high quality in the people you are around”
Marvin is a former partner of 500 Startups, with over 19 years of experience in venture capital, technology businesses, and startups. He...

Kaidi Ruusalepp: “Successful people see opportunities where others see risks”
Hero of the week - Kaidi Ruusalepp is the founder and CEO of Funderbeam, the global funding and trading platform of private...

Lauri Kinkar: “Start selling as the first thing you do.”
I've been building Messente for the past six years, together with our great team and two incredibly talented co-founders - Jaanus Rõõmus...

Frank Salzgeber: “We need to take more risks!”
Frank Salzgeber is a serial entrepreneur and the Head of Innovation and Ventures Office at European Space Agency – meaning that he...

Connor Swenson, Mindfulness & Productivity Coach: “People need to understand their goals and how they will be measured”
Connor Swenson teaches mindfulness and meditation practices that help people be more productive and find greater wellbeing in their lives. He previously...

James York: Is the US market right for your Startup?
James York is a native New Yorker, and former stockbroker turned professional entrepreneur and marketer. He has been the Head of SME...

30 speakers have joined sTARTUp Day – find out who!
As sTARTUp Day 2020 is getting closer, its schedule is being filled with more and more awesome speakers. Here are a few...

Ivo Remmelg: “The biggest mistake is to invest in emotions”
Ivo Remmelg is an entrepreneur and one of the founding members of EstBAN. Ivo has over 25 years of experience managing companies....

Priit Alamäe: “Our projects are shown as an example for other institutions in different countries”
Priit Alamäe has been known in Estonia as an entrepreneurial activist for more than 20 years mainly for being the co-founder and...

Martin Kristerson: "Teamwork makes the dream work"
Martin Kristerson is the founder and CEO of UpSteam – one of the fastest-growing early-stage startups of Estonia. While he was getting...

Enelin Paas: "Trust only the science, psychology, data, and concrete numbers."
Enelin Paas is a full-stack strategic marketer. For the last 5 years, she has traveled across more than 40 countries while doing...

Laura Dekker: “Fighting for your dreams and goals is always worth it!”
Laura Dekker is the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone. At the age of 14, while her peers were...

Ardo Kaurit - the Estonian Young Entrepreneur of the Year!
Ardo Kaurit started building electric bicycles with two friends 5 years ago. At first, it was more of a side-hobby besides motor...

Milda Mitkute: “Cultural Fit is More Important than Professional Skills”
Milda Mitkute is the co-founder of Vinted – the largest pre-loved fashion marketplace. The idea for Vinted came from Milda’s own shopping...

Former Tinder’s Head of European Communications Hermione Way Will Speak at sTARTUp Day
Hermione Way, dating app’s Tinder former Head of European Communications will be speaking at sTARTUp Day 2020! We asked her about growing...

Kicking Off the Program of sTARTUp Day 2020
New season means new beginnings! As sTARTUp Day is the most innovative festival in Estonia, we aim to keep our festival fresh....

First Speakers Revealed: Hermione Way and Marvin Liao will join at sTARTUp Day 2020!
It’s that time of the year again – we’re going to reveal the very first speakers of sTARTUp Day 2020. But before...